"A maximum of 15 people from up to five different households will be allowed to meet outdoors, as long as they stay 2m apart."
This has an immediate impact on what I can do with Glenboig Bootcamp and BodyHIIT at the park from this Saturday.
For the remainder of this month both classes will be held at the park when weather allows, but will only be open to a maximum of 14 people from 4 other households. I will use Facebook Live to broadcast myself delivering both classes in my online fitness group only, for anyone who can't make the class at the park. Both of these classes will be free to attend for anyone who has paid £10 this month for online training. For everyone else, the pre-Coronavirus prices will apply (£5/BodyHIIT and £2/3 for Glenboig Bootcamp).
Attendance will be on a first come first served basis.
There will be no equipment used in any class and it will be highly advisable to bring your own exercise mat. If required, I can provide you with a mat for t
hat session and anti-bacterial cleaning wipes to clean it yourself before and after - this is at your own risk. Hand sanitiser will be used by all participants before and after entering the workout area.
After July, I will give more information on how these classes progress, as all being well, Scottish Government guidance should relax further specific to people meeting outdoors.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as I can for the rest of the month!
Get outside. Get fit. Have fun!